The importance of integration in connection with others.

I am realising more and more, that community and connection are the medicine. This is what we experience when we journey with plant medicines; that we are not separate, that we are connected and loved. It feels so natural and so good.

“To be myself fully, and also be able to do that in connection with others” is the desire of many of my clients. To belong, be accepted, to matter, to feel worthy. Being authentic with other people takes some practice and often some new skills. Learning how to connect with our own feelings and needs first, then to understand the feelings and needs of another person, then to do the dance between these two places so that everyone’s needs can be honoured.

I don’t know about you, but no one taught me to do this dance, at home or at school. I often abandoned my own needs to try and keep everyone else happy, or I would get belligerent and do what I wanted in secret, or hurt other people without intending to because I didn’t understand what was going on for them.

I have just started an integration group in Edinburgh. I intend this to be a place to practice being authentic, to share our experiences, to connect with like minded people. To play games and try exercises that help us learn how to listen to our own inner world and to connect with the inner world of other people. To feel fully alive and revel in that fizzy life force energy in delicious connection with other fully alive humans!

Update: here is the link to the group, 1st Tues of each month. Tickets are £10 on this link. Click the drop down box to choose the date you want.

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